Creating kind, strong, & confident kids through dance, art, and creative movement.
Terms & Agreements
Payment/Cancelation Policy
All classes with My Art House Studio, LLC must be paid in full in advance through our online booking system in order to participate. We do not accept cash, checks, or direct payments (Venmo, Zelle etc).
All sessions can be fully refunded 48 hours before the first class. After this 48 hour threshold, you will receive a 50% refund of the price paid. There are no refunds for individual weeks missed in a Session. Please view our Absence/Sickness Policy for more.
If you are unable to attend class, you may attend another class that same week if one is available. Please email us at hello@myarthousestudio.com and we will do our best to reschedule.
All camps with My Art House Studio LLC must be paid in full unless a payment plan is scheduled through our online booking platform, Sawyer. We do not accept cash, checks, or direct payments (Zelle, Cashapp etc).All camps can be fully refunded with at least 30 days notice. All camps can be 50% refunded with at least 2 weeks notice. After 2 weeks, you can no longer receive a refund for a My Art House Studio camp. You may reschedule to another week of camp if a spot is available and we receive 2 weeks notice. This helps us ensure that we adequate staffing and supplies and can remain a sustainable business.
All refunds will go back to the card or platform it was originally purchased on. We cannot send refunds to a different platform or card.
Absence/Sickness Policy
We understand things happen and we will work with families to accommodate those less than ideal circumstances as best we can. If a child misses a class, they may make the class up the following week or take a class of the same monetary value or less; as long as it’s age appropriate. This make-up class must take place within 14 days of the absence.
For all sessions: It is strongly encouraged that students and families do their best to attend every class during these sessions. Many lessons build upon the previous week and missing a week could result in students feelings left behind or confused. There are no refunds for individual weeks in a session.
If a teacher is unable to teach a class, we will notify all participating families immediately and do our best to find a reliable and trustworthy replacement. In the very unlikely event that this happens, students will receive a make-up date for the class missed (typically one week after the end of the session) or a single class credit for another session.
Recording Policy
To keep all students, families, and faculty safe and secure, students, parents, and families are strictly forbidden to record My Art House Studio classes or events unless it is your own child/family. If we receive actionable information that this policy is being compromised, it may result in legal action and/or a complete removal from current and future My Art House Studio classes and events. This includes but is not limited to any transcript, video, or audio recordings. We want all students, teachers, and families from all walks of life to feel safe in our classrooms.
Privacy/Sharing Policy (Online Classes)
We work tirelessly to create unique, fun, and effective classes based on our earned degrees, certifications, and continued education. All of which come at as financial cost meant to be recouped through teaching. By sharing any private link, room code, or password with someone who did not pay for our classes, you are devaluing all of our hard work and time. That is why it is strictly forbidden to share any links, codes, or passwords given to our registered families. Doing so will result in immediate removal of the class with no refund and no access to future My Art House Studio classes or events. All classes on Zoom will have a waiting room. Once your name has been verified on our list of registered students, you will be let in.
We do our best to offer free events, livestreams, and drop-in classes for those unable to afford our classes. If you know someone who is eager to take class but is unable to pay, please have them email us and we will work with them to get their tuition covered.
Anti-Bullying/Discrimination Policy
My Art House Studio recognizes that every child has the right to enjoy a life free from bullying or discrimination; therefore we will always take seriously all allegations of bullying discrimination or any threat of safety and are committed to deal with it effectively when it does happen. We will always endeavor to work with students and parents to prevent it from happening. All Zoom chats are public to the entire class and will be monitored by the instructor. If a student or parent continues to create a hostile and/or unsafe environment in or outside of our classes or events, they will be removed from the class with no refund and will not be allowed to participate in future classes or events.
Bullying, discrimination or threat to safety includes but is not limited to:
-Ridiculing or negatively commenting on other students for their creative choices or class participation
-Ridiculing or negatively commenting on a student’s or teacher’s appearance or their home
-Ridiculing or negatively commenting on a student’s or teacher’s religion or economic status
-Any and all racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic or xenophobic behavior
-Any physical touch that is unwanted or without consent or that may cause serious damage
Health and Safety
My Art House Studio takes seriously their responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all participants, teachers, and volunteers; and takes appropriate measures to make sure the environment is safe for all.
Dance, crafts, and creative movement are an active engagement as is any hobby, and while every effort is made to avoid them, injuries can happen. My Art House Studio accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained during, outside of, or as a result of any class. My Art House Studio will never ask students to endanger themselves by destroying personal property or putting themselves in harms way. By participating in our classes, you are agreeing to take full responsible for any personal injuries or property damage that happens during, outside of, or as a result of any My Art House Studio classes or events.
Overall Agreement
By participating in any My Art House Studio classes or events, you are agreeing to adhere and uphold the policies and agreements listed above.